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Great Product This will be the 2nd time I have used these certificates. Our company likes how easy it is to use them and how fast we were able to get them. Employees love having the option of a Turkey or a Ham.

Used for Years Our company has given these certificates out for employees in different states and they are easy to use! No hassles at the store and if we go over the certificate amount given we just pay the difference.

Great Product This will be the 2nd time I have used these certificates. Our company like how easy it is to use them and how fast we were able to get them. Employees love having the option of a Turkey or a Ham.
How can I know a TurkeyorHam
certificate is authentic?
There are several unique security features imbedded in
our certificates, click security features to see them.

Our gift certificates can be redeemed at any grocery store, for any turkey or any ham. That means your employee can use our certificates where they want, when they want, for what they want.
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You choose the dollar amount; your employee chooses the rest. The gift certificates can be redeemed for any brand and type of turkey or ham (organic, whole, breast, frozen, or fresh).
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90% of U.S. households eat turkey on Thanksgiving or on Christmas Day. This means your gift will actually be used! Show your employees how much you value them by becoming a part of their holiday tradition.
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About Us
Our certificates provide employers, friends, and family with an opportunity to show appreciation, especially during the holiday season! Our service is great, we respond fast, and can guarantee quality performance.