For SuperMarkets

Can I submit Turkey or Ham’s certificates through my coupon clearing house?
Yes, Turkey or Ham certificates are a manufacturer’s coupon and you submit them just like you process all other manufacturer’s coupon. If you would like to submit redeemed coupons directly to CMS, Inc. and don’t have a CMS account, feel free to contact them at 1-800-285-7602
Can Vegetarians use the coupon for Tofurky or other vegetarian options?
Yes, the coupon can be used for a turkey or ham substitute when available.
How should we instruct our cashiers to handle these certificates?
- Please instruct them to accept them.
- The certificate is a manufacturer’s coupon and should be handled as one.
- The coupon is coded to be Price Required, and will require Cashier Override when the barcode is scanned.
- Cashier will determine the redemption value, and enter it in the large box provided on the back of the coupon. If the price of the item is equal or greater than the maximum redemption value of the coupon, please enter the maximum value, and the customer will be responsible for the difference. (ie if the value of the coupon is $20.00 and turkey or ham costs $23.45, $20.00 will be written in the box, and the customer is responsible for $3.45 plus any applicable taxes.)
Click here to download a pdf version of Cashier’s Instructions.
What if the customer wants something larger than the gift certificate can purchase?
No problem! They can purchase any size turkey or ham that they would like. The customer is responsible for the difference between the certificate’s value, and the cost of the item.
How can I be sure my company will be reimbursed for TurkeyorHam’s gift certificates?
We guarantee reimbursement for legitimate gift certificates redeemed by you in accordance with the terms listed below that appear on the back of each coupon:
We will reimburse you for the actual retail price up to the limit indicated on the front of the Certificate plus 8¢ handling, provided the Certificate is redeemed at the time of purchase for the product specified and prior to the expiration date printed on the front of the Certificate. Valid for ANY brand. Certificates not properly redeemed will be void and held. Reproduction of this or any Certificate is expressly prohibited. Any other use of this certificate constitutes fraud. Bearer is responsible for additional costs that exceed the maximum value printed on the front of this Certificate and for any applicable taxes. Void where prohibited, taxed, or restricted. Valid only in the USA, its territories, and possessions. Limit one certificate per item purchased.
It is in our best interest that our retail partners are completely satisfied with our certificates. In fact, we believe that our certificates equate a "win win" relationship. You accept our certificates. We help get people in your store. Click here for TurkeyorHam’s Guarantee or Retailer’s letter.
What does a TurkeyorHam certificate look like?
How can I know a TurkeyorHam certificate is authentic?
There are several unique security features imbedded in our certificates, click security features to see them.
What if I have questions?
We are happy to help. Call us at 801-613-8773 or 888-622-8226.