For Recipients
Recipients love to use our Turkey or Ham Gift Certificates.

Where can I redeem TurkeyorHam gift certificates?
This one is easy. The answer? Anywhere. Our certificates function the same as a manufacturer’s coupon. If your store accepts coupons, they will accept our certificates.
What if the store won’t accept the certificate?
If you encounter any problems, please speak with the store manager. Our phone number is printed on the back of every certificate, and we are anxious to resolve any problems. Have the store manager give us a call and we will take care of the rest. Really.
What if I want something larger than the gift certificate can purchase?
Great! Go ahead! You can purchase any size turkey or ham that you would like. You are not limited to the dollar amount printed on the gift certificate. If you spend more, you pay the rest. For example, if you are purchasing a turkey that is $22.00 and your gift certificate is for $20.00, you will pay the remaining 2.00.
What if I want something smaller than the gift certificate can purchase?
No problem. You do not have to spend the full amount.
Can Vegetarians use the coupon for Tofurky or other vegetarian options?
Yes, the coupon can be used for a turkey or ham substitute when available.
Why does the certificate have an expiration date?
As mentioned before, our gift certificates function the same as a manufacturer’s coupon. Expiration dates are necessary to limit our liability, and to comply with state unclaimed property laws.
May I use the certificate for something other than what the certificate specifies?
No. The certificate must be used for the item specified on the certificate.